December 4 Photo-A-Day Challenge: Joyus

Nothing says “Joyus” to me quite like my babies.  And starting new traditions with them is one of my most favorite things to do.  One of this years new traditions: growing our own candy canes!  Turns out that candy canes don’t grow in your traditional run-of-the-mill dirt or soil.  No, candy canes only grow in the finest of sugar.  So we gently poured our sugar into a mason jar and proceeded to plant our candy cane seeds (peppermint Hershey’s Kisses).  We blew them kisses and told them our funniest jokes (because candy canes can’t grow without love and laughter!), and this morning when they woke up, they found our Elf on the Shelf Jingles sitting amongst 5 brand new freshly grown candy canes!  It’s a Christmas miracle!


December Photo-a-Day Challenge

I stumbled upon another blog- A Content Housewife– recently via Pinterest (seriously, I LOVE me some Pinterest!), and she is doing a December Photo-a-Day Challenge.  I was really inspired by it, especially since I just got a new phone and all of the photos on my old phone were not transferred over, and my new phone has an incredible camera.  So here we go!

December 1- Your View Today
This year we are doing an Advent Calendar with our children, and rather than sweets we put activities in them.  The 1st activity was to make paper snowflakes!  So here is my view for the day:


December 2- Your Favorite Holiday Movie
It’s no secret in our house that I could watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation every single day of December if I could get away with it.


December 3- Red
One of my favorite colors (glitter!) and red is great too!  This ornament is definantly one of my favorites.
